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Dublin Football League

Flag Football League Contents



Days:Sundays for games and one day during week for practice Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday night between 6:00pm-8:00pm. Each team gets 1 hour of practice
Dates:Practices will begin week of March 18th and Games will start March 31st
Start time:Between 11:00 am and 6:00pm
Who can participate:Boys and girls currently in K-6trh grades
Where:Bo Jackson's Elite Sports Indoor facility


Program Details

  • 6 week schedule including Championship Sunday.
  • All kids 5th-6th grade will play 7vs7(numbers permitting) k-2, 3rd 4th will play 4vs4,5vs5 or 6vs6.
  • Returning Dfl players will be placed on the same team as Fall 2022 (unless requested otherwise). Once teams fill up late registrations cannot be added to a team unless jerseys are available. New players will be placed by school (as much as possible)
  • Each team will consist of minimum of 5 and maximum of 12 kids
    Practice will be held one night during the week Game on Sunday
  • Divisions may be formed by grade if numbers allow.



  • Dfl will supply Jerseys and flags
  • Parents are responsible for rubber cleats
  • Parents are responsible for Mouth guards
  • Players can wear shorts or sweatpants





DFL Competitive Flag.docx

DFL Flag football @ Bo Jackson's

Competitive Flag  5th/6th grade

5th-6th grade Senior League

  1. Starting and Stopping Play: A coin toss will determine the 1offensive/defensive possession. To begin play, the offensive team will start from their own 5 yard line and have 4 plays to cross midfield. All offensive possessions start on the "Lacrosse" hash mark and go towards north side of the facility. Once a team crosses midfield, they will have 4 plays to score a touchdown. If the offense fails to score, the ball changes possession and the new offense will start its drive from their own 5 yard line. All possession changes will start from the 5 yard line. Each play will begin with a snap from the center to the quarterback. The center may choose to snap the ball between the legs or from the side. Stoppages in play may occur on the following: time outs, penalties, fouls or infractions, out of bounds and incomplete passes, etc. There are no fumbles; therefore the ball will be spotted at the position of the ball carrier's feet at the time of dispossession.
  2. Formations: Games will be 7 vs. 7 . Offensive must have 3 players on the  line (Split Ends and Tight Ends count as on the line), 1-3 behind the line of scrimmage or 1-4 outside of tackle boxes. Only one player may go in motion parallel to the line of scrimmage (motion towards the line of scrimmage is prohibited). Offensive players (excluding the player in motion) must come to a complete stop for 1 second before the snap. Movement by a player who is set or motion towards the line of scrimmage while in motion is considered a false start.
  3. Blocking: Offensive players are allowed to shield defensive players but not make momentum changing contact with the player. No Arm extension


  1. Scoring:
    Touchdowns - 6 points

PAT (Point After Touchdown) - 1 point (5-yard line) or 2 points (12-yard line) *(Interceptions on PATs cannot be returned and are whistled dead)

  1. Running the Ball: The ball is spotted down where the runner's feet are when the flag is pulled. The quarterback cannot advance the ball beyond the line of scrimmage by running it ("quarterback" is defined by the person who receives the snap). Pitches, laterals and handoffs (single or multiple) may only occur behind the line of scrimmage. Players who receive handoffs may throw the ball down field. Runners may not leave their feet (i.e. jump, dive, lunge) to avoid a flag pull or to advance the ball. Spinning is allowed, but players may only leave their feet to avoid contact with another player to avoid a flag guarding penalty. "NO RUN ZONES", located 5 yards before end zone and 5 yards of midfield, are designed to avoid short-yardage power-running situations. Running the ball is prohibited during plays originating from within these zones.
  2. Passing and Receiving: All forward passes, including shovel passes, must be thrown from behind the line of scrimmage.
    *Please note that forward passes differ from back-field laterals and pitches.

The quarterback has a 7 second "pass clock" (official's discretion). If a pass is not thrown within the 7 seconds, the play is whistled dead, the down is consumed and the ball is returned to the line of scrimmage. No shuffle passes are permitted inside the tackle box.

All players are eligible to receive passes, including the quarterback (*if the ball has been handed off/pitched behind the line of scrimmage). Only one player is allowed to be in motion at a time. A player must have at least one foot in bounds when making a catch. In the case of simultaneous possession, possession will stay with the offense. Interceptions will change possession at the point of the catch and cannot be advanced.

  1. Rushing the Passer: Players who rush the passer must be a minimum of 7
    yards from the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped (officials will use a special marker to indicate the "rush line"). Defensive players are responsible for checking their positioning. 1 player is permitted to rush the passer. If a rushing player leaves the "rush line" prior to the snap, he or she may return to the "rush line", reset and rush legally. Rushing players may attempt to block a pass. Players not rushing may defend from the line of scrimmage. Once a ball has been handed off, pitched or lateraled, all defensive players are eligible to proceed with pursuit into the back field.
  2. Flag Pulling: A legal flag pull takes place when a ball carrier is in full possession of the ball. Defensive players may not intentionally pull flags off of a player who is not in possession of the ball. A player is downed if his or her flag falls off inadvertently. Flag guarding (an attempt by the ball carrier to obstruct the defender's access to the flags by stiff arming, dropping the head, hand, arm or shoulder, or covering the flags with the jersey) is illegal.
  3. Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Players who engage in direct or intentional physical contact such as stiff arming, tackling, elbowing, shouldering, pushing, shoving or over-aggressive play will be subject to immediate ejection from the game (official's discretion). This will also include anyone engaging in profanity, verbal abuse, badgering or taunting of officials, coaches, staff, parents, players, etc.
  4. Penalties: The official will call all penalties. Incidental contact resulting from the normal run of play is to be evaluated, allowed and or penalized at the discretion of the official. All penalties will be assessed from the LOS (Line of Scrimmage) except noted SPOT FOULS. Penalties will be assessed at half the distance to the goal yardage when the penalty yardage is more than half the distance to the goal. Only the Head Coach may address officials for rule clarification and interpretation. Players are prohibited from questioning judgment calls. Games may not end on a defensive penalty unless the offense declines it.

Coaches reserve the right to decline penalties called on behalf of or in favor of their


  1. Defensive Penalties

*LOS (Line of Scrimmage)
*SPOT FOUL (Yardage loss or gain is assessed from the spot of the penalty and not the line of scrimmage)

  1. Offside - LOS, 5 yards
  2. Pass Interference - SPOT FOUL, Automatic First Down
  3. Holding - SPOT FOUL, Automatic First Down
  4. Illegal Flag Pull (before the player has the ball) - 5 yards & Automatic First


  1. Illegal Rush (starting from inside the 7-yard marker) - 5 yards & Automatic First


  1. Roughing the Passer - 10 yards & Automatic First Down (hit thrower's arm in the act of throwing)
  2. Stripping - SPOT FOUL + 10 yards & Automatic First Down
  3. Unnecessary Roughness - SPOT FOUL + 10 yards & Automatic First Down
  4. Offensive Penalties *LOS (Line of Scrimmage)

*SPOT FOUL (Yardage loss or gain is assessed from the spot of the penalty and not the line of scrimmage)

  1. False Start - LOS, 5 yards from LOS
  2. Illegal Motion - LOS, 5 yards from LOS
  3. Pass Interference LOS, - 5 yards from LOS
  4. Illegal Forward Pass LOS, - 5 yards from LOS & Loss of Down
  5. Delay of Game - LOS, 5 yards from LOS & Loss of Down
  6. Illegal Blocking - SPOT FOUL - 10 yards
  7. Flag Guarding: - SPOT FOUL - 10 yards
  8. Unnecessary Roughness/Un-sportsman Like Conduct - SPOT FOUL - 10 yards & Loss of down

Offensive possessions will always go in 1 direction towards full endzone (Northside).

Possessions will begin on the 5 Yard Line.

Width: Approximately 36 yards (90')

Length: Approximately 60 yards (210')

  1. LENGTH OF GAME: Each game shall consist of 2 twenty minute halves with a 5 minute halftime.
  2. CLOCK: The game clock will run continuously stopping only for timeouts and at the discretion of the official for extenuating circumstances: (Ex. Severe injury, unsafe item on field, etc.)
  3. TIME OUTS: Each team will have one 1 sixty-second and one 1 thirty-second time out per half.
  4. Playclock is 30 seconds from time ball is set. Referees will give 10 second countdown
  5. SUBSTITUTIONS: Substitutions can be made during any of the following dead ball situations:
  6. Ball carrier's flag is pulled
  7. Ball carrier's flag falls off
  8. Ball carrier steps out of bounds
  9. Touchdown is scored
  10. Ball carrier's knee is down
  11. The ball is dispossessed and contacts the ground


  1. SCORING: Flag Football officials will report scores to site supervisors directly following

the games.

  1. MERCY RULE - Any team taking a lead of 21 points will be required to

pass on each possession (run plays are prohibited until the lead drops below 21


  1. BENCH/SIDELINE PERSONELL: A maximum of 3 coaches will be permitted in the bench area. All other team personnel must remain on the spectator side of the field.
  2. WARM UP: On field warm up time will not be scheduled. Teams may utilize the field if available for warm up time once the previous game has concluded. Games will begin promptly at their scheduled time.
  3. GRACE PERIODS: There is a 10 minute grace period that will be allowed only for the first scheduled game of the day. Each game after the first scheduled game of the day is expected to begin as scheduled.
  4. Injured player must come out for at least 1 play
  5. No mouthpiece during a play gets a warning for the team, 2nd time and beyond is a 10 yard penalty.

Dublin Football League

P.O. Box 1988 
Dublin, Ohio 43017
Email : [email protected]
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